Email Validator Config

The config feature allows you to customize various parameters to enhance or adjust the behavior of the Email Validator according to your company’s needs. When a validation is executed, these parameters override the default configuration we have stored for any validation performed in Truora, ensuring that customers have all models up to date. For example:

Parameter Client Config Default Config Used Config
Allowed Retries 1 2 1
Timeout 400 300 400

In this guide, you will learn how to update, retrieve, and delete a configuration for the Email Validator. We will use a single example throughout this guide to demonstrate the use of the Update, Get, and Delete Config requests, helping you understand their essential functions and responses.

Email Validator Parameters

You can set the following parameters:

  • timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that users will have to perform the validation before it times out. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes), with a maximum of 600 seconds (10 minutes) and a minimum of 1 second.
  • allowed_retries: The number of times the validation may be retried before failing. The default value value is 2 retries, with a maximum of 4 retries.
  • email_subject [Optional]: Custom text for the email subject. *
  • email_title [Optional]: Custom text for the email main title. *
  • email_text_1 [Optional]: Custom text appearing before the verification code. *
  • email_text_2 [Optional]: Custom text appearing after the verification code. *
  • support_email [Optional]: Custom field for a support email address. *

*NOTES ( parameters marked with asterisk * ):

  • The language of the email depends on the language parameter in the Email Validation process.
  • Refer to the following images to see the location of each of these texts within the email sent to the user, for both the English (en) and Spanish (es) versions:
Email fields (en) Email fields (es)
email fields english
email fields spanish

Default Config

The Email Validator has a default configuration, which you can leave as is or adjust to better suit your industry or use case. Below are the default values for this configuration:

Parameter Default Value Language
timeout 300 N/A
allowed_retries 2 N/A
email_subject * “Su código de verificación de correo”
“Your email verification code”
email_title * “Verificación de correo”
“Email verification”
email_text_1 * “Tu código de verificación es:"
“Your verification code is:”
email_text_2 * “Por seguridad, no compartir este código."
“For security reasons, please do not share this code.”
support_email * N/A N/A

*NOTES ( parameters marked with asterisk * ):

  • The language of the default value depends on the language parameter in the Email Validation process.
  • This parameter will only appear in the JSON config response when customized. Otherwise, it will not be visible.

Update Config - Email Validator

To Update the configuration for the Email Validator, follow these steps:

  1. Create a PUT request to the endpoint
  2. Set the Headers
    • Truora-API-Key: enter the value of your Truora API-key.
    • Content-Type: the value should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  3. Set required values for the request body
    • validator [Required]: Allowed: email-verification. Validator to be configured.
    • timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that users will have to perform the validation before it times out.
    • allowed_retries: The number of times the validation may be retried before failing.
    • email_subject [Optional]: Custom text for the email subject.
    • email_title [Optional]: Custom text for the email main title.
    • email_text_1 [Optional]: Custom text appearing before the verification code.
    • email_text_2 [Optional]: Custom text appearing after the verification code.
    • support_email [Optional]: Custom field for a support email address.

For this guide’s example we will start by setting the following parameters:

  • timeout: 600
  • allowed_retries: 3
  • email_subject: ACME Verification code
  • support_email:

Sending the Update Config request with these parameters, the response should look similar to the following:

        "authenticate": {
            "timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2
        "email-verification": {
            "timeout": 600,
            "allowed_retries": 3,
            "email_subject": "ACME Verification code",
            "support_email": ""
        "electronic-signature": {
            "timeout": 900
        "enterprise-data": {
            "timeout": 300
        "face-recognition": {
            "timeout": 400,
            "enrollment_timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2,
            "use_manual_review": true,
            "threshold": 0.65,
            "face_validation_config": {
                "similarity": {
                    "threshold": 0.65
            "retry_ttl": 300,
            "include_face_search": false


Among other details, you will identify the updated config:

  • For email-verification the timeout is set to 600, allowed_retries is set to 3, email_subject is set to ACME Verification code and support_email is set to

Get Config

The Get Config request allows you to fetch the current configuration state for all validators associated with your account. This request retrieves the configuration for the Email Validator as well as the configuration states for all other validators linked to your account.

  • To obtain the current validators’ configuration, send a GET request to the endpoint

In the case of our current example, at this point you should receive the same response as the previous step:

        "authenticate": {
            "timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2
        "email-verification": {
            "timeout": 600,
            "allowed_retries": 3,
            "email_subject": "ACME Verification code",
            "support_email": ""
        "electronic-signature": {
            "timeout": 900
        "enterprise-data": {
            "timeout": 300
        "face-recognition": {
            "timeout": 400,
            "enrollment_timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2,
            "use_manual_review": true,
            "threshold": 0.65,
            "face_validation_config": {
                "similarity": {
                    "threshold": 0.65
            "retry_ttl": 300,
            "include_face_search": false


Delete Config - Email Validator

The Delete Config request allows you to delete a validator’s configuration or a specific parameter within the validator’s configuration. Deleting the configuration resets its values back to their defaults.

  • To delete a config, send a DELETE request to the endpoint with the following Query Parameters:

    • validator [Required]: Name of the validation config to delete. Set this value to email-verification.
    • type [Optional]: Allowed: timeout| allowed_retries | email_subject | email_title | email_text_1 | email_text_2 | support_email. This specifies the configuration type to be reset. If provided, only the selected configuration will be reset. Otherwise, all configurations will be reset. *

    *Note: If you omit the type parameter when sending the request, all configurations associated with the validator will be deleted, reverting all values to their default settings.

Deleting a specific config type

Following our example, we had updated the following configuration:

  • For email-verification the timeout was set to 600, allowed_retries was set to 3, email_subject was set to ACME Verification code and support_email was set to

To reset the timeout to its default value (300 seconds), set the following Query Parameters :

  • validator: email-verification
  • type: timeout

Now send the DELETE request to the endpoint In the response, you should see that for email-verification the timeout has been reset to 300, and all other parameters will remain unchanged: allowed_retries at 3, email_subject as ACME Verification code and support_email as

        "authenticate": {
            "timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2
        "email-verification": {
            "timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 3,
            "email_subject": "ACME Verification code",
            "support_email": ""
        "electronic-signature": {
            "timeout": 900
        "enterprise-data": {
            "timeout": 300
        "face-recognition": {
            "timeout": 400,
            "enrollment_timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2,
            "use_manual_review": true,
            "threshold": 0.65,
            "face_validation_config": {
                "similarity": {
                    "threshold": 0.65
            "retry_ttl": 300,
            "include_face_search": false


Deleting all configurations

Following our example, after deleting the timeout config, we have the following configuration states:

  • For email-verification, the timeout was reset to its default (300), allowed_retries is set to 3, email_subject is set to ACME Verification code and support_email is set to

To reset all the configuration for the Email Validator, set the following Query Parameters :

  • validator: email-verification
  • type: Omit this parameter. Remember that if this parameter is omitted, all configurations will be reset to their default values.

Now send the DELETE request to the endpoint

        "authenticate": {
            "timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2
        "email-verification": {
            "timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2,
        "electronic-signature": {
            "timeout": 900
        "enterprise-data": {
            "timeout": 300
        "face-recognition": {
            "timeout": 400,
            "enrollment_timeout": 300,
            "allowed_retries": 2,
            "use_manual_review": true,
            "threshold": 0.65,
            "face_validation_config": {
                "similarity": {
                    "threshold": 0.65
            "retry_ttl": 300,
            "include_face_search": false


Finally, in this response you should recognize the following changes:

  • For email-verification the timeout remains 300 (default), allowed_retries is reset to 2 (default), and both email_subject and support_email are not visible, which means they returned to their default values.