Checks API

NOTE: Truora provides a Postman collection online that includes the necessary tools to simplify the testing process.

Welcome to the Truora Check RESTful API reference. If you haven’t already, we strongly advise you to check out our Guides Section.

Truora Check API allows performing full background checks on people, vehicles and companies. There are three main types of background checks:

  • Personal background check: Verifies national IDs in multiple databases of public and legal entities in the LATAM region. For every national ID, returns information on: personal identity, criminal records, international background check, and professional background.
  • Vehicle background check: Verifies the vehicle documents and the owner identity in multiple databases of public and legal entities in the LATAM region. For every vehicle and owner type, returns information on: personal identity, driving records, criminal records, and vehicle information.
  • Company background check: Verifies the tax ID or a company name in multiple databases of public and legal entities in the LATAM region. For every company, returns the associated: business status, legal and criminal records, and media reports.


To access Truora’s services and perform API calls securely, you need to authenticate your requests. This is done by including a specific authentication token, known as the โ€Truora-API-Keyโ€ in the header of your requests.

By providing this key in your API requests, you establish a secure and authorized connection, enabling seamless interaction with Truora’s services.

  • If you haven’t already, sign up for a free account here before generating your Truora-API-Key.
  • Learn how to generate your Truora-API-Key here.
Base URL


Checks API enables you to create and retrieve background checks. It consults multiple databases and provides a comprehensive set of information to assess the reliability of a person, vehicle, or company. Explore our guide on Background Checks for further details.

Create check

Creates a background check and queues it to start collecting information. The full details of background checks can be retrieved with their respective Check IDs using getCheck endpoint. Keep in mind that, depending on the check type, input document, and country of a search, certain inputs are required. You should always provide as many inputs as possible in order to get the highest accuracy.

If your check type is not referenced in the following table, please reach out to find out the fields that apply for you.

driver_license (Santiago only)
driver_license (Santiago only)
foreign_id* or PPT*
driver_license(Estado de Mexico only)
Costa Rica
(*) Required field

Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
country string
Allowed: ALL | BR | CO | CL | MX | PE | CR

Document country

user_authorized boolean

Indicates whether the person subject to the validation authorized the validation. Must be true in order to proceed [Required for API key V1 or later]

type string
Allowed: person | vehicle | company | custom_type_name

Background check type. Replace custom_type_name with the name of your custom type to perform a custom type check

last_name string

Person or entity last name. If the document type and number are not provided, the report might include homonyms. Required when searching by last name. Required in order to get complete background checks in Brazil

date_of_birth string

Person birthdate. This date is used to get some additional information about a person and to filter homonyms in some cases. YYYY-MM-DD format, Required for complete background checks in Brazil and Perรบ

watch string

Indicates whether the check score is to be periodically revised and its frequency. It can be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or have a custom frequency written as a number accompanied by d: day, w: week, m: month, y: year for instance: 3d: every three days, 2w: every two weeks. Ignore this field if the check is only to be performed once

pep string

ID for Venezuelans working in Colombia

payment_date string

Payment day of a vehicle circulation permit (Chile only)

professional_card string

Professional ID card

license_plate string

Vehicle license plate

ptp string

ID for Venezuelans working in Peru

This field also apply for PPT (Permiso de Protecciรณn Temporal) in Colombia

native_national_id string

National ID from the person native country. Keep in mind that you must provide the native_country if you enter a native_national_id

owner_document_id string

ID of the vehicle owner

company_name string

Company name “Don’t forget this required field to complete background checks in Brazil”

owner_document_type string

national-id, foreign-id, tax-id or passport

diplomatic_id string

Diplomatic ID

verification_code string

Verification code registered for criminal records in Peru and Chile

birth_certificate string

Person birth certificate

national_id string

National ID

issue_date string

Person document issue date in “YYYY-mm-dd” format (e.g. 2008-12-31) . This date is used to get some additional information about a person in some cases

tax_id string

Company ID used for tax payments

phone_number string

Person phone number. Required by law to notify the person their background is being checked

driver_license string

Driver’s license number

force_creation boolean

Defines the behavior of the API when creating a background check with the same input values used for a recently created background check.

When true, forces the creation of a new background check; otherwise, it returns the result of the background check created earlier.

region string
Allowed: DF | AC | AL | AP | AM | BA | CE | ES | GO | MA | MT | MS | MG | PA | PB | PR | PE | PI | RJ | RN | RS | RO | RR | SC | SP | SE | TO | ALL

Region where the background is to be checked in addition to the region where the person is from. By default, background checks in Brazil are performed in the person region of birth according to their CPF. Required for Brazil only. Keep in mind that a nation-wide search can take more than 24 hours to complete, whereas region-specific searches take from 2 to 20 min to complete.

Allowed values are: DF: Distrito Federal, AC: Acre, AL: Alagoas, AP: Amapรก, AM: Amazonas, BA: Bahรญa, CE: Cearรก, ES: Espรญrito Santo, GO: Goiรกs, MA: Maranhรฃo, MT: Mato Grosso, MS: Mato Grosso do Sul, MG: Minas Gerais, PA: Parรก, PB: Paraรญba, PR: Paranรก, PE: Pernambuco, PI: Piauรญ, RJ: Rรญo de Janeiro, RN: Rรญo Grande do Norte, RS: Rรญo Grande do Sul, RO: Rondรดnia, RR: Roraima, SC: Santa Catarina, SP: Sรฃo Paulo, SE: Sergipe, TO : Tocantins, ALL: nation-wide search

state_id string

Used for the RG (Registro Geral) identification in Brazil. This identification has different formats according to the state that issues the document. It can have numbers and letters but other characters (- * , . ) are omitted, Required in order to get complete background checks in Brazil

escrow string

Colombian escrow

report_id string

Report ID the background check will be inserted into

vehicle_id string

Vehicle NIV number

first_name string

Person or entity first name. If the document type and number are not provided, the report might include homonyms. Required when searching by first name, Required in order to get complete background checks in Brazil

foreign_id string

Person foreign ID

imei string

15-digit IMEI to be validated

issue_number string

Document number of Chilean identity. This number is used to get some additional information about a person. Chile only

passport string

Person passport

native_country string
Allowed: CO | MX | PE | BR | EC | CL | VE

Country of birth. Required if native_national_id is provided

certificate_folio string

Folio for Chilean certificate search. Chile only


List checks

Lists all the existing checks created in the account. If report_id is provided, it will only return the checks from the report
Query Parameters
report_id string
ID of the report of background checks to be returned.
start_key string
Start key value for the pagination.

Get check

Returns the results of the check that matches the ID provided, complete with a set of scores explained below.


  • Global Score: Average risk associated with a person, company or vehicle, according to the background check results. The global score considers results that are validated with the ID number provided. The score ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents high risk and 1 low risk.
  • ID Score: Average risk associated with a person according to the background check results. The ID score considers the results that are validated with a person identity document. The score ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents high risk and 1 low risk.
  • Name Score: Average risk associated with a person according to the background check results. The name score considers results that are validated against the name of a person and could not be validated with their ID number. These results might have homonyms associated with them. The score ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents high risk and 1 low risk.

In order to calculate these scores, a weighted average is considered with different weights allocated to each dataset. Scores can be customized using the config endpoints by assigning a weight to each dataset according to its relevance.

Keep in mind that results from the API vary depending on the country, check type and the inputs entered on check creation.

Path Parameters
check_id string
A unique identifier for a check.

Get Check Attachments

Enables the download of PDF documents associated with the check result. This will list all the files found for a given check and provide the link for downloading
Path Parameters
check_id string
A unique identifier for a check.

List Check Details

Lists all details associated with a check, with support for pagination. It includes a list of data sources along with their respective information
Path Parameters
check_id string
A unique identifier for a check.
Query Parameters
lang string
Specifies the desired language for details; use lowercase ISO 639-1 format. If not specified, details will be provided in their original language.
start_key string
Start key value for the pagination.


Returns a summary in a human readable way for the specified check id. It is useful when the details of the check are too long when reviewing manually
Path Parameters
check_id string
A unique identifier for a check.

Get the status of a database

Retrieve the current status of all databases that match with query parameters. This endpoint assists in determining the suitability of making a Check, allowing to review the availability of a database at any given moment.
Query Parameters
country string
Country code in uppercase ISO 3166 format (e.g., CO for Colombia).
unixTimestampSeconds number
Unix timestamp in seconds. Send a day timestamp to view the database hourly status for that day or send the current time to know the current database status.
unixtimezoneOffsetSeconds number
Offset between the local time and the UTC time in seconds. (e.g., Colombia is at UTC -18000 seconds).

Delete check

Deletes the check that matches the Check ID provided, along with relevant information about that specific check. If the check belongs to a continuous check, it will be deleted only if isn’t the first one.
Path Parameters
check_id string
A unique identifier for a check.


The Custom Type API enables the creation of custom searches, allowing you to include only the desired datasets in background checks, thus enhancing the check efficiency. Moreover, you can customize the impact of each dataset on the global score by assigning it a weight value between 0 and 1. It’s important to note that the sum of all weights must equal 1.

You can use custom types in your checks to perform custom-type checks. For detailed information, refer to our Custom Type guide.

Create custom type

Create a custom type selecting the weight for each background check dataset and the country where it applies. Weights are numbers between 0 and 1 that represent how impactful the dataset is for the score, where datasets with weight 0 do not influence the score but are searched nonetheless. Keep in mind that the sum of all weights must equal 1. To perform a check with the custom type, create a Check and enter the name you gave to your custom type in type
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
country string
Allowed: ALL | BR | CL | CO | MX | PE

Country where this set of rules applies. Use “all” if the check type searches by name by relying on international databases

type string

Custom type name. It cannot be person, vehicle, or company. Use this type in your checks to perform custom-type checks

dataset_criminal_record number

Criminal record weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_legal_background number

Legal background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_traffic_fines number

Traffic fines weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_taxes_and_finances number

Taxes and financial background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_personal_identity number

Personal identity weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_affiliations_and_insurances number

Affiliation and insurance weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_alert_in_media number

Alert in media weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_business_background number

Business background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_international_background number

International background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_professional_background number

Professional background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_vehicle_information number

Vehicle information weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_vehicle_permits number

Vehicle certificate background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_driving_licenses number

Driving license weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time


List custom types

Lists all custom types of the associated account. Please visit How to Create a Custom Type for Background Check guide for more information.
Query Parameters
start_key string
Start key value for the pagination.

Update custom type

Allows updating a custom type. Person, vehicle, and company types are not modifiable. Please visit How to Create a Custom Type for Background Check guide for more information.
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
country string
Allowed: ALL | BR | CL | CO | MX | PE

Country where this set of rules applies. Use “all” if the check type searches by name by relying on international databases

type string

Custom type name. It cannot be person, vehicle, or company. Use this type in your checks to perform custom-type checks

dataset_business_background number

Business background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_legal_background number

Legal background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_criminal_record number

Criminal record weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_traffic_fines number

Traffic fines weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_taxes_and_finances number

Taxes and financial background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_personal_identity number

Personal identity weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_affiliations_and_insurances number

Affiliation and insurance weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_alert_in_media number

Alert in media weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_vehicle_permits number

Vehicle certificate background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_international_background number

International background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_professional_background number

Professional background weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_vehicle_information number

Vehicle information weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time

dataset_driving_licenses number

Driving license weight for score calculation. From 0 to 1. If not provided, the dataset is skipped entirely decreasing the search time


Delete custom type

Allows deleting a custom type. Please note that person, vehicle, and company custom types can not be deleted.

After deletion, the response will display the remaining custom types associated with the country of the deleted custom type.

Query Parameters
country string
Country where the custom type is valid. Use ISO 3166 format in uppercase (e.g., CO for Colombia)
type string
Name of the custom type to be deleted.


Allows the configuration of parameters such as names matching type, retries and max duration.

Create setting

Allows setting up both retries and names matching type. Keep in mind that this feature is a configuration at a Client level, so it will affect all your check types.
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
names_matching_type string
Allowed: soft | exact

Defines the matching type between the names retrieved from the identity databases and the names found in the criminal, legal and international databases to determine whether a record should be included in the check or not. soft (used by default) means matching names when they are similar enough to be considered the same person (e.g., Maria Alejandra Gomez would match Alejandra Gomez). exact means the names must perfectly match. Keep in mind that this feature is a configuration at a Client level, so it will affect all your check types

retries boolean

Indicates whether or not database queries must be retried until they successfully return a response or until the max_duration time is reached

max_duration string

Indicates the maximum amount of time a check can take to fetch responses. It follows the following format "xt" where x is a number and t is a letter ( m for minutes or h for hours). Example 25m indicates 25 minutes, 2h indicates 2 hours. This value must be between 15 minutes and 7 days (168 hours). When not configured, it is set to default. If retries is enabled, the default max duration is set to 48 hours; otherwise, it is set to 3 hours for Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Brazil; 48 hours for Chile and International searches; and 72 hours for Costa Rica



Enables the creation of recurring checks with customizable frequency, providing notifications whenever there are changes in check scores.

Create Continuous Check

Creates a continuous check that will run background checks recurrently according to the frequency provided.
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
frequency string

Time between background checks. It can be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or have a custom frequency written as a number accompanied by a letter d: day, w: week, m: month, y: year. For instance: 3d: every three days, 2w: every two weeks

end_date string

Date on which background checks will stop. YYYY-MM-DD format. For the date to be valid, it must allow at least one check to be run according to the frequency.

check_id string

Background checks to be processed recurrently


List Continuous Checks

Lists all continuous checks created in the given account. This method returns the ’next’ attribute to paginate for the next results

Get Continuous Checks

Returns the specified continuous check using its ID. This method returns the last check executed and provides information such as frequency, status, count and end date
Path Parameters
continuous_check_id string
Unique ID assigned after calling CreateContinuousCheck.

List Continuous Check Logs

Returns Continuous Check Logs. These logs are useful for analyzing the behavior of the check over time. Each entry includes details of what changed
Path Parameters
continuous_check_id string
Unique ID assigned after calling CreateContinuousCheck.

Update Continuous Checks

Updates a continuous check using its ID. This method can only modify its frequency and status
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
frequency string

Time between background checks

status string
Allowed: enabled | disabled

Indicates whether the background checks must be processed recurrently

version string
Allowed: 0 | 1

API Key version to be used for the continuous check hooks. This version must match API key version you use. Version 0 is used by default.

Path Parameters
continuous_check_id string
Unique ID assigned after calling CreateContinuousCheck.


Enables the export of a comprehensive PDF containing the obtained information, Truora’s assigned score, and consulted datasets. For more details, refer to Background Checks: PDF, Variables and Attachments guide.

Create PDF

Create PDF receives a check id and starts the conversion to PDF. Once the method is finished, it will return a link where the file can be downloaded
Path Parameters
check_id string
A unique identifier for a check.


Get PDF downloads the PDF in the specified language, Spanish by default. This endpoint must be called after making the POST call
Path Parameters
check_id string
A unique identifier for a check.
Query Parameters
lang string
Specifies the language of the PDF; use lowercase ISO 639-1 format. If not specified, the PDF will be downloaded in Spanish by default.


Given a valid xlsx file, this endpoint takes the information from the file and starts creating the checks and associating it to the specified report object. For a step-by-step explanation of all methods and required fields for submitting a batch, please refer to the Background Checks Batch via API guide.

Create Batch

This endpoint facilitates the creation of batches of different types. This endpoint does not include input file uploading or batch start logic.

The check inputs to be uploaded in the file can be manually mapped using columns_mapping.{input_name} body params, by default the inputs accepted by the check type will be mapped. The request will return a columns array with the order in which the inputs should be in the xlsx file.

The batch creation request returns a temporary URL in the file_upload_link field. This URL must be used to make a PUT request with the file containing the mapped batch data. It is crucial to note that the URL has a limited expiration time (30min) and will only allow the first submitted file to be uploaded. Therefore, it is highly recommended to carefully review the information before uploading.

Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service string
Allowed: checks

The service for which the batch will be processed

country string
Allowed: ALL | BR | CO | CL | MX | PE | CR

The country of batch checks

type string
Allowed: person | vehicle | company | custom_type_name

Type of the batch checks. Replace custom_type_name with the name of your custom type to perform a batch of custom type checks. In case you want to create a custom type please visit How to Create a Custom Type for Background Check guide for more information.

columns_mapping.{input_name} number

Columns mapping of the xlsx file. This body parameter must be sent for each column you want to upload in the xlsx file, replacing the input_name with the name of the input (e.g. columns_mapping.national_id). The value must be the index of the column in the file, being 0 for column A, 1 for column B and so on. If no column mapping is sent, all inputs for the selected custom type will be automatically mapped.

end_date string

Date on which background checks will stop to create a batch of continuous checks. YYYY-MM-DD format. For the date to be valid, it must allow at least one check to be run according to the frequency.

frequency string

Time between background checks to create a batch of continuous checks. It can be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or have a custom frequency written as a number accompanied by a letter d: day, w: week, m: month, y: year. For instance: 3d: every three days, 2w: every two weeks


Request Batch Report Generation

This endpoint requests the generation of a report for a specific batch. The format of the report can be specified via a query param.
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
format string

Batch report file format

Path Parameters
batch_id string
Unique identifier of the batch.

Start Batch

This endpoint starts the execution of a specific batch. The batch needs to have an uploaded file for this to succeed.
Path Parameters
batch_id string
Unique identifier of the batch.

Get Batch

This endpoint returns a specific batch’s information, including its creation date, size, status and failure reason.
Path Parameters
batch_id string
Unique identifier of the batch.

Get Batch Report

This endpoint obtains a previously requested batch report. If no report exists yet for the batch it returns a 404 response.
Path Parameters
batch_id string
Unique identifier of the batch.

Stop Batch

This endpoint is used to stop a specific batch (updating its status to “stopped”) only if it’s currently in progress or not started yet.
Path Parameters
batch_id string
Unique identifier of the batch.

Shared Accounts

Truora Shared accounts API allows accessing services that are transversal to all other services like Background checks or Validators


To access Truora’s services and perform API calls securely, you need to authenticate your requests. This is done by including a specific authentication token, known as the โ€Truora-API-Keyโ€ in the header of your requests.

By providing this key in your API requests, you establish a secure and authorized connection, enabling seamless interaction with Truora’s services.

  • If you haven’t already, sign up for a free account here before generating your Truora-API-Key.
  • Learn how to generate your Truora-API-Key here.
Base URL

Digital Identity

NOTE: Truora provides a Postman collection online that includes the necessary tools to simplify the testing process.

Truora Digital Identity (Truora DI) is a versatile platform that allows you to create a personalized process for authenticating your users. It enables you to utilize a range of Validators in a single process to simplify user identity verification. The Validators enable diverse actions, ranging from verifying that a phone or email belongs to the user, to matching usersยด biometrics against government sources. The platform offers the flexibility to create the processes securely and without introducing complexity to the user experience, ensuring your new users can promptly access and enjoy your services.


To access Truora’s services and perform API calls securely, you need to authenticate your requests. This is done by including a specific authentication token, known as the โ€Truora-API-Keyโ€ in the header of your requests.

By providing this key in your API requests, you establish a secure and authorized connection, enabling seamless interaction with Truora’s services.

  • If you haven’t already, sign up for a free account here before generating your Truora-API-Key.
  • Learn how to generate your Truora-API-Key here.
Base URL


Digital Identity Web is a versatile platform that allows you to create a customized process to authenticate your users. It allows you to use a number of validators in a unique process to simplify user identity verification.

Here you will find the endpoints you need to create process links and get results. If you need to create process flows please see the Documentation.

Identity Back

Allows the user to undo a verification step, and also allows the user to retry a validation.

Generate Token

Once the flow has been created and published, a POST request must be made to generate a temporary API Key. This should be generated every time a user validation is performed.
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
key_type string
Allowed: backend | web

API key type

account_id string

User identifier for the person who will perform digital-identity validation. Only used if grant is set to digital-identity. If not sent it is generated automatically. Note that only Account IDs following the regex pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ are supported. Please go to Create an Account ID to learn more about it.

billing_hub string

Billing hubs allow for separated counters and billing. Required if the customer uses billing hubs

document_type string
Allowed: passport | driver-license | foreign-id | national-id | pep

Document type for the identity verification process. Only used if grant is set to digital-identity

emails array

List of emails to be validated during the identity verification process

flow_id string

Validation flow to be performed for the identity verification process. Required only if grant is set to digital-identity

grant string
Allowed: digital-identity | signals

Indicates which service this API key grants access to. Required if key_type is set to web or sdk

redirect_url string

URL where the user is to be redirected once the verification process has ended. Required if grant is set to digital-identity

api_key_version string

API key version. Version 0 is used by default

country string
Allowed: ALL | BR | CL | CO | CR | EC | MX | PE | AR

Country for the identity verification process. Required only if grant is set to digital-identity

key_name string

API key name. Required only if key_type was set to backend

phones array

List of phone numbers to be validated during the identity verification process


Get Result

This API endpoint allows you to retrieve the current state and information of a process. The status starts in pending. When the process finishes, it can either be success or failure.

  • Pending means the process is still ongoing

  • Success occurs when all the steps in the process are successful, and if the flow has validators, all validation_status are successful.

  • Failure can occur due to an internal error, a timeout, or if the process is declined or expired.

  • Here’s a complete reference of the reasons why a process can expire. These reasons are set in the declined_reason field.

Reason Explanation
not_used When the user leaves at the beginning of the process without activating any validation
no_document_media_uploaded When a process expires because the user did not upload the document files for the document validation step.
no_face_media_uploaded When a process expires because the user did not upload the the selfie or video for the face validation step.
no_media_uploaded When a process expires because the user did not upload the required file for the step.
process_started_late When the process was started 3 minutes before expiring. Most likely the client did not had enough time to finish the flow.
not_answered_question When a process expires because the user did not answer a question in the WhatsApp conversation.
manual_review_not_performed When the process expires and the manual review is not completed.
abandoned_without_using_retries When the user abandons the process after making one or more validation attempts, but does not use all retries.
validation_not_finished When the process expires with some validation pending.
validation_expired When we have a validation within the flow that has expired and the process also expires.
user_process_postponed Indicates when the process finished because user chooses to postpone a process.
geolocation_denied Indicates when the process finished because user declines permission for geolocation services.
vpn_detected Indicates when the process finished because the system detects the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) by the user.
no_face_detected When a face can’t be detected in a document.

If a process has any validators and the identity process times out due to some validation not finishing, but all inputs have been uploaded, the process will have an additional 5 minutes to receive the validation response with the final status. This behavior will occur up to 3 times.

In the final attempt to get the last validation response with the final status, if the validation remains with a pending status, he identity process status will be failure and failure_status will be expired.

If a process has the attributes override_status and override_status_history, it means that the final status of the process was modified by an authorized user.

Therefore, the new attribute to know the final status of a process should be override_status instead of status and, the override_status_history attribute will contain the history of changes made to the status.



WhatsApp can be used as a channel to reach users through flows. Using WhatsApp Business Account (WABA), you would be able to send and receive messages through the WhatsApp Business API for your business processes, interactions with your users or create validation processes, accounts as a document, document + face, email, phone number, electronic signature, and background. There are two different types of messages that can be used through WhatsApp Business, incoming messages (inbound) and outgoing messages (outbound).

Create Inbound Flows

Set up inbound message that triggers a specific flow. All inputs are required for inbound creation.

To finish the inbound creation process, you must access the following link, by adding the PhoneNumber and the activating message. when you need to put a space in the activation message write this code %20


Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
waba_phone_number string

Phone number of the WABA that interacts with the users. Must include the country code. Example 14080001111.

flow_id string

Identifier of the Flow previously created.

inbound_message string

Unique message the users will be sending to the business WhatsApp (WABA) in order to begin the Flow.

Create Identity

This API endpoint enables the creation of digital identity processes for user to start a verification process.

Create WABA subscription

This endpoint allows users to create a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) subscription. Users can initiate and configure the subscription process by providing the necessary information to establish a connection or subscription with a WABA, facilitating communication and interaction with WhatsApp users.

Identity Back

Allows the user to undo a verification step, and also allows the user to retry a validation.

Send Outbound Message

Sends an Outbound Message as a first interaction to an user. The Outbound Message status needs to be APPROVED before it can be sent.
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
outbound_id string

[Required] ID of an approved Outbound Message. Example: OTB123

phone_number string

[Required] Phone number without the country code of the user that will receive the message. Example: 0001234567

user_authorized boolean

[Required] Must be true for starting the conversation.

User has authorized to be contacted through WhatsApp.

var.<variable_name> string

[Required] If the outbound message has variables like hello {{.name}} {{.lastname}}. The value must be the desired value of the variable.

It is important to send as many key-value pairs as variables present in the message.

Example: for the first variable Roger and for the second variable var.lastname: Federer.

account_id string

This field is used as a unique identifier for your user in the Truora’ system. If you send it, outbound messages sent to each user will be linked through this. Note that only Account IDs following the regex pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ are supported. Please go to Create an Account ID to learn more about it.

country_code string

[Required] Country code for the user phone number. Example: +57

flow_id string

[Required] If the Outbound Message is_notification field is false. Contains the FlowID of the flow that will start when the Outbound message is accepted by the user.

Example: IPF123

Create Outbound Messages

Creates an Outbound Message that allows to send messages to users as a first interaction. Outbound messages need to be approved before they can be used.
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
cancel_process_message string

Required If is_notification is set False, it will be the content for the cancel option in the outbound message.

content string

[Required] The message to be sent to the user.

Example: โ€œHello, ยฟare you ready to start the process?โ€

If the message will include variables, they should be specified between double brackets like {{.<variable_name>}}.

Example: โ€œHello {{.name}}, ยฟare you ready to start the process?โ€

continue_process_message string

Required If is_notification is set to False, it will be the content for the continue option in the outbound message.

template_type string

[Required] Type of the outbound message.

supported content Image: image/jpeg, image/png maximum size 5mb. Video: video/mp4, video/3gpp maximum size 16mb. Document: any valid MIME type maximum size 100mb.

waba_phone_number string

[Required] WABA in which this outbound template will be added.

category string

[Required] Enum defined by WhatsApp of the category for the outbound. OTP is for One Time Passwords, MARKETING is for marketing campaigns and TRANSACTIONAL is for any other topic of the Outbound.

is_notification boolean

[Required] Indicates if the Outbound Message is a notification (true) or will start a flow (false).

language_code string
Allowed: es | en

[Required] Code of the language the message is in.

media_url string

Required if the outbound type is not text.

outbound_name string

[Required] Contains a text specifying the name of the outbound.

var.<variable_name> string

Required if the outbound message has variables like hello {{.name}} {{.lastname}}. The value must be an example of the variable.

It is important to send as many key-value pairs as variables present in the message.

Example: for the first variable Jhon and for the second variable var.lastname: Doe.

Identity Back

Allows the user to undo a verification step, and also allows the user to retry a validation.

Provider Statuses

This endpoint receives and processes the status of a WhatsApp message from a WhatsApp provider. It enables system to handle and manage the status information associated with WhatsApp messages, facilitating effective monitoring and processing of message delivery and engagement.

Update Inbound Flow

Allows updating an inbound flow.

Note: Do not forget that if you already have a whatsapp link created and you update it, you must generate a new link.

Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
waba_phone_number string

Phone number of the WABA that interacts with the users. Must include the country code. Example 14080001111.

flow_id string

Identifier of the Flow previously created.

inbound_message string

Unique message the users will be sending to the business WhatsApp (WABA) in order to begin the Flow.

Cancell Campaign

This endpoint offers the capability to cancel an active campaign. Users can initiate the cancellation process for a specific campaign, preventing further message deliveries and interactions. It provides a means to swiftly and effectively halt campaign activities when necessary.

List Outbound Messages

This endpoint retrieves a list of outbound messages that have been created. Users can access this endpoint to view and review the outbound messages they have generated or sent, providing an overview of the created outbound messages within the system or application.
Query Parameters
line string
WhatsApp business account line (WABA). Do not forget that you must add the country code followed by the number. example: 1432567893

Get Outbound Message

This endpoint retrieves an outbound message. Users can use this endpoint to obtain details or content related to a specific outbound message.
Path Parameters
outbound_id string
outbound ID

Read Identity

This API endpoint allows to retrieve the current state and information of an identity process.

Get Inbound Flow

This endpoint allows users to retrieve information about a previously created inbound. Users can access details and data related to a specific inbound.
Path Parameters
inbound_flow_id string
Unique identifier of inbound flows

Get Campaign

This endpoint provides the functionality to retrieve detailed information about a specific campaign. Users can access comprehensive data related to the campaign.
Path Parameters
campaign_id string
Unique identifier for the campaign

List WABA Lines

This endpoint retrieves a list of WhatsApp Business (WABA) lines that have been assigned to a Truora account. It provides essential information about each WABA line, including line details, configuration settings, and associated data, allowing account holders to manage and monitor their WhatsApp Business lines efficiently.

Get WABA Line

This endpoint provides the functionality to retrieve detailed information about a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) line. Users can access essential data related to the WABA line’s configuration, contact information, messaging capabilities, and integration options, facilitating effective management and utilization of the WABA line.

List Inbound Flows

This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of created inbound flows. Users can access information about each inbound flow.
Query Parameters
start_key string
[Optional] start key value for pagination, if you want to go to the previous or next page.

List Identity

This API endpoint allows to retrieve the current state and information of all identity processes.

If a process has the attributes override_status and override_status_history, it means that the final status of the process was modified by an authorized user.

Therefore, the new attribute to know the final status of a process should be override_status instead of status and, the override_status_history attribute will contain the history of changes made to the status.


Get Process Validations

This API endpoint allows you to retrieve the current state and information of the process validations.

Get Result

This API endpoint allows you to retrieve the current state and information of a process. The status starts in pending. When the process finishes, it can either be success or failure.

  • Pending means the process is still ongoing

  • Success occurs when all the steps in the process are successful, and if the flow has validators, all validation_status are successful.

  • Failure can occur due to an internal error, a timeout, or if the process is declined or expired.

  • Here’s a complete reference of the reasons why a process can expire. These reasons are set in the declined_reason field.

Reason Explanation
not_used When the user leaves at the beginning of the process without activating any validation
no_document_media_uploaded When a process expires because the user did not upload the document files for the document validation step.
no_face_media_uploaded When a process expires because the user did not upload the the selfie or video for the face validation step.
no_media_uploaded When a process expires because the user did not upload the required file for the step.
process_started_late When the process was started 3 minutes before expiring. Most likely the client did not had enough time to finish the flow.
not_answered_question When a process expires because the user did not answer a question in the WhatsApp conversation.
manual_review_not_performed When the process expires and the manual review is not completed.
abandoned_without_using_retries When the user abandons the process after making one or more validation attempts, but does not use all retries.
validation_not_finished When the process expires with some validation pending.
validation_expired When we have a validation within the flow that has expired and the process also expires.
user_process_postponed Indicates when the process finished because user chooses to postpone a process.
geolocation_denied Indicates when the process finished because user declines permission for geolocation services.
vpn_detected Indicates when the process finished because the system detects the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) by the user.
no_face_detected When a face can’t be detected in a document.

If a process has any validators and the identity process times out due to some validation not finishing, but all inputs have been uploaded, the process will have an additional 5 minutes to receive the validation response with the final status. This behavior will occur up to 3 times.

In the final attempt to get the last validation response with the final status, if the validation remains with a pending status, he identity process status will be failure and failure_status will be expired.

If a process has the attributes override_status and override_status_history, it means that the final status of the process was modified by an authorized user.

Therefore, the new attribute to know the final status of a process should be override_status instead of status and, the override_status_history attribute will contain the history of changes made to the status.


Put WABA Line config

This endpoint provides the functionality to configure and customize the details of a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) line. Users can modify various parameters and preferences to tailor the configuration of their WABA line according to their specific needs and preferences.
Path Parameters
default_flow_id string
The default_flow_id parameter is used to specify the ID of the default flow to be used in a WABA Line

Update Outbound Message

Updates an Outbound Message that allows to send messages to users as a first interaction. Outbound messages need to be approved before they can be used.

Remove Outbound Message

This endpoint allows users to delete an outbound message. Users can initiate the removal process for a specific outbound message, effectively eliminating it from the system or application. It provides a means to manage and clean up outbound messages when they are no longer needed or relevant.

Remove Inbound Flow

This endpoint allows users to remove inbound flows. Users can initiate the removal process for specific inbound flows, effectively eliminating them from the system. It provides a means to manage and clean up inbound flows when they are no longer needed or relevant.

WA Contacts

Add, search and manage your customers (end users) in a single place.

Create contact property

This endpoint is used to create a new contact property with data like its name, type and configuration values.

Create contact

This endpoint is used to create a new contact with data like its phone number, name, and optional email and values for custom contact properties.

Get contact properties

This endpoint is used to list pages of contact properties created in our platform. An optional “start_key” query parameter can be passed to continue pagination.

Get contacts

This endpoint is used to list pages of contacts created in our platform. An optional “start_key” query parameter can be passed to continue pagination.

Get contact

This endpoint is used to get the data related to a specific contact with the ID provided as a path parameter.

Update contact

This endpoint is used to update a specific contact with the ID provided as a path parameter. The contact’s name, email and custom property values can be changed. An optional “emit_sysevent” body parameter can be passed so that the update triggers a sysevent.

Delete contact

This endpoint is used to delete a specific contact with the ID provided as a path parameter.

DI Processes

Configure and order the validations you want to do in your process. Try and start validating your users by sending a link.

Verify Step Identity

This API endpoint is responsible for handling the steps in the identity process, it creates and performs validations.

Identity Back

Allows the user to undo a verification step, and also allows the user to retry a validation.

Download PDF

Allows to retrieve the pdf of a process or generates one if it doesn’t exist already
Path Parameters
process_id string
The ID of the generated and finished process that it’s required to be download as a pdf


Customers is a centralized solution that allows you to visualize and analyze the data generated by the transactions made by your users along different business funnels.

List Customers

This API endpoint allows retrieving the current status and general information of all customers associated with an account.
Query Parameters
search string
Filter the list of customers by document-id, email, name and phone number
start_key string
Start key value for the pagination.

Get Customer

This API endpoint allows retrieving the details of the customer identified by the provided ID.
Path Parameters
customer_id string
The customer ID is an automatically generated ID and is unique for each customer

List Customers Transactions

List customer transactions endpoint allows you to consult the detailed information of the transactions associated with a customer.
Path Parameters
customer_id string
The customer ID is an automatically generated ID and is unique for each customer
Query Parameters
source string
Allowed: check | process | validation | engagement-chat

Product that originated the transaction.
start_key string
Start key value for the pagination.

Read Customer Transaction

Read customer transaction endpoint allows you to consult the detailed information of a transaction associated with a customer.
Path Parameters
customer_id string
The customer ID is an automatically generated ID and is unique for each customer
transaction_id string
The transaction ID is the unique identifier of the transaction.

Read user customers metrics

User customer metrics endpoint allows to obtain detailed statistics on different aspects of user customers

Main Validator Suite API

NOTE: Truora provides a Postman collection online that includes the necessary tools to simplify the testing process.

Welcome to Truora Validators Suite API [RESTful API] reference.

Truora Validatior Suite API allows performing identity validations in a variety of ways.

Do not forget, the Account ID is a user identifier that allows you to track the validations made. It is important to generate a unique identifier for each user who performs any type of validation, in order to avoid the possibility of information being crossed between users and to guarantee adequate monitoring for each one of them.

Validation steps

Most validations are performed by following these three simple steps:

Enrollment must be used for validators except for documents. Check out our Guide on Validation steps to learn more.

Validation steps


To access Truora’s services and perform API calls securely, you need to authenticate your requests. This is done by including a specific authentication token, known as the โ€Truora-API-Keyโ€ in the header of your requests.

By providing this key in your API requests, you establish a secure and authorized connection, enabling seamless interaction with Truora’s services.

  • If you haven’t already, sign up for a free account here before generating your Truora-API-Key.
  • Learn how to generate your Truora-API-Key here.
Base URL


Validation accounts offer an easy way to identify validator users. A single validation account can be used in as many validations as you see fit. In order to streamline the process, a validation account is automatically created on enrollment unless an existing account_id is provided. Use custom-named validation accounts in order to easily trace your validation usage since validation accounts are automatically named with a random combination of numbers and letters if a custom name is not provided.

Create validation account

Creates a new validation account. This validation account is used to easily keep track of the validations made by a specific user.
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
document_type string
Allowed: national-id | foreign-id | pep | passport

Person document type

email string

Person e-mail address

first_name string

Person first name

last_name string

Person last name

phone_number string

Person phone number

country string
Allowed: co | cl | mx | pe | do | sv | gt | br

Country where this person is located

document_expedition_date string

Person document issue date. RFC3339 format

document_number string

Person document number

facebook_user string

Person Facebook username

twitter_user string

Person Twitter username


List validation accounts

Returns all the validation accounts that have been created for the user. A validation account is useful to be able to keep track of all validations performed by a single user.

Get validation account

Returns the validation account identified by the ID provided. This validation account represents a single user on the validation system
Path Parameters
validation_account_id string
Validation account ID

Get Enrollments by Account

Retrieve all enrollments associated with a specific account id. These enrollment objects include their status, and other information


The Config feature allows you to customize the behavior of your various validators. This is particularly valuable when you wish to set different decision thresholds, timeouts, enable manual reviews, and more

Get config

Fetch configuration current state.

Note: This method gets all the validators configuration state of the account.


Update config

Allows updating the timeout, threshold, manual review, retries and other properties for a specific validator. Additionally the following validators have unique properties you can configure:

Document validation

  • Country: The country of the document you want

  • Document type: The type of document for which the document validation configuration will be created.

  • Document version: The document version of the document type.

  • Validation methods: This is a group of validation methods to be applied to the document. To modify the properties of any of them in your request send the attribute validation_method.{{method}}.{{property}}, where {{method}} is the selected method you wish to change and {{property}} is the selected property to change.

    For example: enabled.

For more information on available document versions and methods, please contact our Sales team.

Face recognition

  • Include Face Search: Boolean flag to include Truface (Search of input face in client and global face collections)

Merged configs

When a validation is executed, these parameters override a default config we have stored for any validation performed in Truora to make sure customers have all models up to date. For example:

Client ConfigDefault ConfigUsed Config (Client+Default)
Allowed Retries232
Timeout900 300900
Retries TTL300300
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
validator string
Allowed: identity-questions | face-recognition | voice-recognition | email-verification | phone-verification | document-validation | enterprise-data

Validator to be configured

threshold number

Correctness required to pass the validation from 0 to 1

validation_method.photocopy-analysis.status string
Allowed: enabled | disabled

Status of the validation method photocopy-analysis you want to enable or disable in the document validations execution. string
Allowed: enabled | disabled

Status of the validation method data-consistency you want to enable or disable in the document validations execution.

document_type string
Allowed: passport | driver-license | general-registration | foreign-id | national-id | pep

Document type for which the document validation configuration will be created string
Allowed: enabled | disabled

Status of the validation method photo-of-photo you want to enable or disable in the document validations execution.

validation_method.image-analysis.status string
Allowed: enabled | disabled

Status of the validation method image-analysis you want to enable or disable in the document validations execution.

allowed_retries number

Number of times users will be allowed to retry the validation

include_face_search boolean

Include face search subvalidation in face-recognition validator execution

timeout number

Time in seconds users will have to perform the validation

validation_method.government-database-validation.status string
Allowed: enabled | disabled

Status of the validation method government-database-validation you want to enable or disable in the document validations execution.

validation_method.manual-review.status string
Allowed: enabled | disabled

Status of the validation method manual-review you want to enable or disable in the document validations execution.

document_version string
Allowed: mx_ine-f | mx_ine-e | mx_ine-g | mx_ife-c | mx_ife-d | mx_fm3 | co_national-id-2000 | co_national-id-2020 | co_foreign-id | co_pep | br_any | passport

Document version of the document type

country string
Allowed: ALL | CO | CL | MX | BR | PE

Country for which the document validation configuration will be created

Delete config

Allows deleting a validator config. Deleting the config sets its value back to the default value

Note: If you leave the field โ€˜typeโ€™ to delete empty, all the configuration is deleted.

Query Parameters
type enum
If validator is document-validation:
Allowed: timeout | allowed_retries | use_manual_review | document_config | retry_ttl

If validator is face-recognition:
Allowed: threshold | timeout | enrollment_timeout | use_manual_review | include_face_search

If validator is email-verification:
Allowed: timeout | allowed_retries | email_subject | email_title | email_text_1 | email_text_2 | support_email

If validator is phone-verification:
Allowed: allowed_retries | timeout | custom_name

Configuration type to be reset. If provided, the validator reset will only affect the selected configuration; otherwise, all configurations will be reset.
validator enum
Allowed: document-validation | face-recognition | email-verification | phone-verification

Name of the validation config to delete.


Validations is your tool for managing various validators such as face recognition, email verification, document checks, phone number validation, and electronic signatures. This API takes care of all logic needed for these validators, providing a single service where you can manage your multiple validators

Create new validation with account

Creates a new validation for the validation account. Check out our Guide on Liveness test to learn more about this feature.

Note: You need the account_id from the first step and If you had already created an enrollment, it is not necessary to create one again for each validation.

Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
account_id string

Account ID linked with this validation. An automatic account id is created if left blank, otherwise, an account is created with the custom account id provided. As this account_id is linked to the validation, use it to trace the validations performed by the account later on. Note that only Account IDs following the regex pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ are supported. Please go to Create an Account ID to learn more about it.

user_authorized boolean

Indicates whether the validation subject consents to be validated. Must be true for the validation to proceed.

type string
Allowed: document-validation | face-recognition | email-validation | phone-validation

Validation type

minimum_precision string
Allowed: very_high | high | medium | low

Minimum precision that the audio transcription obtained from the video selfie should have with the speech_token. Required if you want to perform face validation with speech_match subvalidation.

timeout integer

Time in seconds users will have to perform the validation. If not provided the validation will use the timeout existing in the client’s config

country string
Allowed: CO | CL | MX | PE | BR | CR | VE | PA | ALL

Set the country of the document being validated.
Use ALL when document_type is set to passport.
For BR,CR, VE, PA please ask sales team.

custom_type string

Indicates the name of the Check Type to use for the background check linked to this validation. Keep in mind that the Check Type must exist

document_type string
Allowed: national-id | foreign-id | driver-license | passport | identity-card | rut | ppt | invoice | picture-id | record | cnh

Set this value to the type of document been validated. For ppt please ask sales team.

Refer to Supported Document Types for a complete reference of supported document types, applicable countries and document front/reverse picture requirements.

phrase string

Phrase to be read out loud in the voice sample sent as RAW data in the PUT request to the upload_link

verify_channel string
Allowed: sms | call | whatsapp

Indicates the channel used to perform the verification. Some problems may occur when receiving the SMS due to external protocols of the mobile service providers, we recommend giving both options to the users

language string
Allowed: es | en

Language of the email that the final user receives

phone_locale string
Allowed: en | es | pt-BR

Language used to perform the validation via either the SMS or voice call

phone_type string
Allowed: home | office | recover

Phone number to be associated with the validation account on successful validation. Required for phone-verification. The type must have been already enrolled

retry_of_id string

[Required if you have active retries] Refers to the validation_id of the failed validation. Remember that it is also necessary to send the same account ID (even if it is the automatically generated one) of the failed validation.

subvalidations array
Allowed: passive_liveness | similarity | speech_match

You can select more than one. Indicates which subvalidations you want to perform during a face recognition execution. If empty we only use similarity value

threshold string

Likeness between the picture and the video required to pass the validation. By default, the threshold is set to 0.75

Perform validation

Perform given validation. If the validation was already performed, this would imply a retry of the validation. A retry could happen for a typo for example in the phone number or other mistakes.

Create validation

Creates a new validation. A validation can help ensure the person is who they say they are. This is important for all processes with legal responsibilities
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
type string
Allowed: document-validation | face-recognition | email-validation | phone-validation

Validation type

account_id string

Account ID linked with this validation. An automatic account id is created if left blank, otherwise, an account is created with the custom account id provided. As this account_id is linked to the validation, use it to trace the validations performed by the account later on. Note that only Account IDs following the regex pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ are supported. Please go to Create an Account ID to learn more about it.

user_authorized boolean

Indicates whether the validation subject consents to be validated. Must be true for the validation to proceed.

document_type string
Allowed: national-id | foreign-id | driver-license | passport | identity-card | rut | ppt | invoice | picture-id | record | cnh

Set this value to the type of document been validated. For ppt please ask sales team.

Refer to Supported Document Types for a complete reference of supported document types, applicable countries and document front/reverse picture requirements.

custom_type string

Indicates the name of the Check Type to use for the background check linked to this validation. Keep in mind that the Check Type must exist

minimum_precision string
Allowed: very_high | high | medium | low

Minimum precision that the audio transcription obtained from the video selfie should have with the speech_token. Required if you want to perform face validation with speech_match subvalidation.

phrase string

Phrase to be read out loud in the voice sample sent as RAW data in the PUT request to the upload_link

timeout integer

Time in seconds users will have to perform the validation. If not provided the validation will use the timeout existing in the client’s config

country string
Allowed: CO | CL | MX | PE | BR | CR | VE | PA | ALL

Set the country of the document being validated.
Use ALL when document_type is set to passport.
For BR,CR, VE, PA please ask sales team.

verify_channel string
Allowed: sms | call | whatsapp

Indicates the channel used to perform the verification. Some problems may occur when receiving the SMS due to external protocols of the mobile service providers, we recommend giving both options to the users

language string
Allowed: es | en

Language of the email that the final user receives

phone_locale string
Allowed: en | es | pt-BR

Language used to perform the validation via either the SMS or voice call

phone_type string
Allowed: home | office | recover

Phone number to be associated with the validation account on successful validation. Required for phone-verification. The type must have been already enrolled

retry_of_id string

[Required if you have active retries] Refers to the validation_id of the failed validation. Remember that it is also necessary to send the same account ID (even if it is the automatically generated one) of the failed validation.

subvalidations array
Allowed: passive_liveness | similarity | speech_match

You can select more than one. Indicates which subvalidations you want to perform during a face recognition execution. If empty we only use similarity value

threshold string

Likeness between the picture and the video required to pass the validation. By default, the threshold is set to 0.75

Perform validation

Perform validation of the given validation_id. If a validation was already performed, this would imply a retry of the validation. A retry could happen for a typo, for example a wrong token or other mistakes.
Path Parameters
validation_id string
ID of the validation to be performed.

Get account validations

Retrieve all validations associated with a specific account id. This is useful to easily have all validations of a user in one place.
Path Parameters
account_id string
The account ID linked with the validations.

Get validation

Retrieves the detailed information of a validation, given a validation id. This validation object has all the information needed

Get validations

Allows listing all validations linked with a specific account id. This endpoint helps track current validations statuses

Get validation

Returns a validation given a validation id. This validation object is useful to know exactly the status of the validation process
Path Parameters
validation_id string
Unique identifier of the validation.
Query Parameters
show_details boolean
If set to true, allows you to visualize the file uploaded by the user.


Enrollments lets you to manage the logic required to navigate a user through various validators. This capability is valuable as it enables you to register a user just once and conduct multiple validations on that user seamlessly

Create enrollment

Creates an enrollment for the validation account. Returns the created enrollment with its status and other information
Request Body *application/x-www-form-urlencoded
user_authorized boolean

Indicates whether the enrollment subject consents to be enrolled. Must be true for the enrollment to proceed.

type string
Allowed: document-validation | face-recognition | email-validation | phone-validation

Validation type to be performed alongside with this enrollment

verify_channel string
Allowed: sms | call | whatsapp

Indicates the channel used to perform the verification. Some problems may occur when receiving the SMS due to external protocols of the mobile service providers, we recommend giving both options to the users

account_id string

Account ID linked with this enrollment. An automatic account id is created if left blank, otherwise, an account is created with the custom account id provided. As this account_id is linked to the enrollment, use it to trace the enrollments/validations performed by the account later on. Note that only Account IDs following the regex pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ are supported. Please go to Create an Account ID to learn more about it.

confirmation string
Allowed: none

Indicates if a validation is required to complete the enrollment process. Only available for face-recognition validations. Note: if left blank the enrollment status will stay pending until a success face recognition validation is performed

phone_type string
Allowed: home | office | recover

Phone number to be associated with the verification account on successful validation. Required for phone-verification. The type must have been already enrolled

Query Parameters
account_id string
Validation account ID. If left empty, a new validation account will be created

Get Enrollments by Account

Retrieve all enrollments associated with a specific account id. These enrollment objects include their status, and other information

Get enrollment

Returns the enrollment object containing information about the enrollment status and other pertinent details related to the process.
Path Parameters
enrollment_id string
Enrollment ID to search.

Delete enrollment

Deletes an enrollment. If this endpoint is executed on an enrollment ID, the enrollment will be removed from the client’s account.
Path Parameters
enrollment_id string
Enrollment ID to be removed from the client’s account.


Status lets you check the current state of our services in real time.

Get status

Checks the current availability of the validations API. If this endpoint fails, it means the validations api is down and should contact support.