Config Validators

The config feature allows for customization of various parameters to improve the behavior of the validators. Below are the parameters that are configurable across multiple validators. For specific parameters unique to each validator, please refer to the individual configuration guides in the Config by Validator Type section.


  • The Config Validators parameters are global to your account and will affect all validations performed across it.
  • However, validations performed in a Flow will prioritize the configuration in the Validator Block of your flow. All other parameters, not configurable within the Flow Builder, will take the global configuration values. To learn about flows, please visit the Create your first flow guide from our Digital Identity documentation.
  • timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that users will have to perform the validation before it times out.
  • allowed_retries: The number of times the validation may be retried before failing.
  • retry_ttl: The time to live (TTL), in seconds, for creating a retry of any validation.
Parameters Document
timeout X X X X
allowed_retries X X X X
retries_ttl X X

NOTE: Each validator has additional specific parameters not listed in this table. Please refer to the respective config guides, at the end of this document in the Config by Validator Type section, for detailed information on these parameters.

Validators Config Requests

Config Base URL:

  • Update Config: Uses the PUT method to modify the values of specific parameters in a validator’s configuration.
  • Get Config: Uses the GET method to fetch the current configuration state for all validators associated with your account.
  • Delete Config: Uses the DELETE method to delete a validator’s configuration or a specific parameter within the validator’s configuration. Deleting the configuration resets its values to their defaults.

Special considerations:

  • Using the GET Config request retrieves the configuration for all validators in your account. For instance, if your account includes Face, Document, and Email Validators, the response JSON will display the configuration for each validator in separate parts of the JSON structure. You will need to locate the specific validator’s configuration within the response.
  • When using the Update Config or Delete Config requests, specify which validator’s configuration you want to modify or delete. Depending on the validator, use one of the following values for the key validator:
    • For Document Validator: document-validation
    • For Face Validator: face-recognition
    • For Email Validator: email-verification
    • For Phone Validator: phone-verification

Config by Validator Type

Each Validator (Document, Face, Email and Phone) has its own particularities and specific parameters that you may modify to better suit your company’s needs.

To learn about specific configurable parameters, default values, and special considerations, please visit the guide for the validator you want to configure: