Config Validators

The config feature allows for customization of various parameters to improve the behavior of the validators. Some of the parameters that can be set are:

  • Validation methods: A group of validation methods that can be applied to the document to increase the accuracy of the validation process *.
  • Timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that users will have to perform the validation before it times out.
  • Document version: The version of the document type. To know the different versions available for your country *.
  • Allowed retries: The number of times the validation may be retried before failing.
  • Retries TLL: The time to live (TTL) for creating a retry of any validation.
  • Use manual review: Determines whether manual review will be performed upon validation failure *.
  • Threshold: This determines the required similarity between the provided picture and video or selfie to pass the validation. Note that a higher percentage of similarity increases friction with the end-user, resulting in decreased customer conversion.
  • Include face search: When set to true, the system will check if the face uploaded for the validation is blocked in TruFace *.


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In the following table, you can see the validators in which these parameters can be configured:

Parameters Document
validation_methods X
document_version X
timeout X X X X
allowed_retries X X X
reties_tll X X X
use_manual_review X X
threshold X
include_face_search X

Default values

All validators have default values set for certain parameters. The default values are as follows:

  • validation_methods: data-consistency, government-database-validation.
  • timeout: 300 seconds with a maximum of 21600 seconds and a minimum of 1 second.
  • allowed_retries: 0 with a maximum of 3 retries.
  • reties_tll: 300 seconds with a maximum of 1800 seconds and a minimum of 1 second.
  • use_manual_review: false.
  • threshold: 0.65 with a ranging from 0 to 1.
  • include_face_search: false.

Create Validation Config

To create a configuration for a validator, follow these steps:

  • Send a POST request to the endpoint
  • Set the following key : values within the request body and x-www-form-urlencoded format:
    • type: [Required] Type of validation the account is subscribed to. Allowed values are: document-validator, face-recognition, phone-verification, email-verification.
    • timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, that users will have to perform the validation before it times out. The value should be between 1 and 21600 seconds.
    • country: The country for which the document validation configuration will be created. Allowed values are BRCLCOCRMXPE| ALL.
    • document_version: [Required] Document version of the document type.
    • validation_methods: Comma-separated list of validation methods. Allowed methods are: data-consistency, government-database-validation, photocopy-analysis,photo-of-photo and image-analysis.
    • allowed_retries: imes the validation may be retried before failing. 0 retries by default, maximum 3 retries..
    • reties_tll: Time to live to create a retry of any validation. 300 seconds by default, maximum is 1800 and minumum is 1 second.

Other validator-specific parameters as required. For example, to set new a threshold and if the system will check if the face uploaded for the validation is blocked in TruFace for the face-recognition use the parameters threshold and include_face_search.

Response 200

Note: Some of these parameters could be set when you are Creating a Web Flow or Creating a WhatsApp flow with validators, such as retries and threshold.

For more information about the config validator for each validator please see our API Referece.