
Forms is a tool that allows you to create customized forms and collect data from your users through a digital identity flow.

Create a new form

  1. Go to digital identity product, select the forms tab and click on the create form button.
forms empty state
  1. In the navigation bar, enter a name for your form.

  2. Write a title and description for your first section.

form created
  1. Click on the save button in the navbar to create the form.
save button

Add a new question

Using the new question button in the question card tools, select a question type and a new question card will be created.

new question

Below each question card, you will find two options to customize its settings. The first allows you to change the input type, where you can choose from different field types, such as text, number, date, etc. The second option is a toggle to specify whether the question is required or not. The table below shows the available input types and a brief description of each one.

input types
Question type Description
Short answer Allows short answers in the response with a limit of 250 characters
Long text Allows long texts in the response with a limit of 1000 characters
Numeric Creates a question that accepts only numeric responses from -2147483647 to 2147483647
Multiple choice Creates a form question with checkboxes
Unique selection Creates a form question with radio inputs
List Creates a form question with a dropdown input
Date Creates a question with a datepicker
Email Creates a question that validates the email format
Phone Creates a question to fill a phone number

Duplicate a question

If you need to create an exact copy of a question, click the duplicate button and a new question will be generated with the same information.

duplicate question

Delete a question

By clicking the delete icon, you can delete the selected question.

delete question

Form sections

Form sections let you organize groups of questions on separate pages, with each section allowing up to 50 questions.

When you create a new section, each section will have an item with the section number and a button to delete the section.

section button

If the section has questions, there will appear a modal where you can choose to also delete the questions or move the questions to the previous section.

delete section modal

Preview a form

The navbar has a preview button that allows you to see how a user will fill out the form responses.

form preview

This view shows how the form sections are separated in different pages and how a user will see the form.