Customer Engagement - Getting Started

Whatsapp Customer Engagement by Truora enables companies to create automated WhatsApp conversations to engage with their users through their favorite channel. With our platform, companies can create their own WhatsApp API chatbots with almost no code.

This guide will provide useful information to start using our platform and get the most out of it.


  1. Account Creation: In order to perform an integration in any of our services, you must have a Truora account. Your Truora sales representative will provide you with one, or you can create one for free.

  2. Create a Truora API Key: In order to perform an integration in any of our services, you must have a Truora API key. Follow this guide to create your Truora API key.

  3. Postman: Use Postman or any other collaboration tool for API development. Although it is not required to perform the integration, it will help perform tests along the way.

Truora provides a Postman collection online that includes the necessary tools to simplify the testing process.

Activate your line for WhatsApp in Truora

To enhance your customer engagement, it is important to have your own WhatsApp API line configured with your company name, logo, description, and phone number. As Truora is an Official Meta Partner, you can activate your official WhatsApp API line with us!

The WhatsApp API enables you to automate communications with automated replies, WhatsApp chatbots & interactive messages, creating personalized communication flows that work best for you and your customers.

Learn how to Activate your line for WhatsApp in Truora by following this Guide.

Creating an outbound message

To initiate a conversation with a user an outbound template must be created and approved by Meta.

Note: The approval process by the Facebook (Meta) team may take anywhere from 5 minutes up to 5 business days.

Learn how to create a new Outbound Message in our platform by following this Guide.

Creating a Conversation Flow

A Conversation Flow in Flows is a customized WhatsApp chat that allows you to control the direction of the conversation. With Flows, you can create interactive conversations that guide users through a specific path, providing them with the information they need and helping them make decisions. By designing the conversation flow, you can ensure that users receive a personalized experience that meets their needs and engages them in a meaningful way.

Your users can start interacting with you through WhatsApp in two ways:

  • Outbound Message: You initiate the conversation by sending them a message.
  • Inbound Message: They initiate the conversation by sending you a message.

To create a conversation flow you need to:

  1. Open the connect dashboard:
  2. click the Open button in the Whatsapp Customer Engagement product.
  3. Select Create new flow and then click Continue
new flow
  1. Click in the + symbol to create a new block and select Answer options
new flow
  1. Write a tittle, your question and fill your options
  2. Finally add the block Finish chat to complete your flow.
  3. Select Save and then Save and publish.
  4. Select Test conversation to send an example message.

Learn more about Creating a Conversation Flow in our platform by following this Guide.

Starting a conversation via API

To start a conversation via API you need 2 things:

  • The ID of your conversation Flow
  • The ID of your Outbound message

Flow ID Go to, find your flow in My Flows and use the copy icon to get the Flow ID.

new flow

Outbound ID
Outbound Message is the first message that you send to your users, it has to be created because it must be approved by Meta (so it isn’t classified as spam) and has a WABA line associated with it.

If you have already created a Flow, you can go to Outbound Messages by clicking on the left sidebar copy the Outbound ID of any approved outbounds on the list.

new flow

To send the message, make a POST call to v1/whatsapp/outbounds/send

Send outbound

You will receive the following response:

Response 200

Getting details from your conversations

Each time your users starts interacting with your flow, a process_id is generated to identify each unique conversation. You can use this id to extract the details of each conversation so you can take more action. To get the details of the conversation make a GET call to the /v1/processes/{process_id}/result endpoint.

Get results

You will receive the following response:

Get results response

API Reference

For detailed information about our API endpoints and requests, we encourage you to refer to our API reference.

Connecting an external API

Using custom integrations, you can configure requests to external APIs and use them within a WhatsApp flow to obtain data and perform actions in your system. For more information, please refer to th Guide.