Outbound Message Guide

Outbound Messages are messages sent directly to the users without any previous interaction with your business WABA. For this to be possible, two things are required.

  1. An explicit permission needs to be granted by the user to your business, allowing you to contact them through Whatsapp for business purposes. This is called an opt-in. For more guidance on how to obtain it, visit this link.
  2. The Outbound Message you use to start the interaction with the users needs to be approved by WhatsApp, making sure you comply with the minimum requirements and guidelines to prevent user spam, fraud and other policies.

Create an Outbound Message

To create and send an Outbound Message for approval, keep in mind that each message can only be sent for approval once. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Truora dashboard and navigate to the WhatsApp Customer Engagement section.
  2. Click on Outbound Messages > Create new message
  1. Fill in the required fields, such as:
  • Outbound name: Enter a name for the Outbound Message.

  • Message category: Select a category that best describes the message.

    • Marketing: This message category is used to send promotional offers, product announcements, and other marketing content to increase awareness and engagement.
    • Utility: This message category is used to relate to a specific, agreed-upon transaction and accomplish one of the following tasks: confirm, suspend, or change a transaction or subscription.
    • OTP Code:This message category enables businesses to authenticate users with one-time passcodes, potentially at multiple steps in the login process.
  • Line that sends the message: Choose the Line that will send the Outbound Message.

  • Message language: Select the language that the message is in, such as English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

  • Message type: Choose the type of content for the Outbound Message, such as Text, Video, Image, or Document. If Message Category is set to OTP Code only ``Text```will be available.

  • Select the conversation type:

    • Notification: If the Outbound Message is a single notification. When Message Category is set to OTP Code this will be the only available conversation type.
    • Flow: if this message will be used for starting a Verification Flow. Fill in the required fields:
      • Option for continuing conversation: Contains a text specifying a continue message that will appear as a button to the user. For example: “Continue”.
      • Option for finishing conversation: Contains a text specifying a cancel message that will appear as a button to the user. For example: “Cancel”.
  • Enter the message: Type the message to be sent to the user, such as: “Hello, ¿Are you ready to start the process?”. If the message includes variables, insert them using Insert customizable word and provide a name and an example of the variable. Please keep in mind that the message should not be finished with a variable.
  • Message actions: You can add buttons that invoke different types of actions.
    • Call: When the user taps this button, the specified phone number will be dialed.
    • Link: When the user taps this button, the specified URL will be opened.
  1. Once you have completed the message, click on Send to revision. Please note that the message must be approved by the Facebook (Meta) team and this process can take anywhere from 5 minutes up to 5 business days.

Get the Outbound ID (Optional)

Once the message is approved by Facebook (Meta), you might need to obtain the Outbound ID of your message for other purposes within Truora, such as including your message as part of the OTP verification in a Phone Validation process. To obtain it, follow these steps:

  • Click on Outbound Messages in the sidebar.
  • Locate the desired Outbound name in the list of outbound messages.
  • Click on the copy icon below the Outbound name to copy its Outbound ID.

Send Outbound messages

Once the message is approved, you can send it as a single outbound message or in a batch. Select whether your message will be sent individually or in batch.

Single message

  1. Select Single message.
  2. Select the country and fill in the phone number.
  3. Fill in any variables if the outbound message requires them.
  4. Enter or copy the flow ID if the message will start a flow.
  5. Click Send Message to send the message.


Upload the file with the recipients of the message.

  1. Select Batch sending.
  2. Upload the file which contains the following columns: Country code, Phone number, and all variables.
  3. Enter or copy the flow ID if the message will start a flow.
  4. Click Send Message to send the message.

If you want to send outbound messages via API, check out this guide or our API documentation.

Create an Outbound message in flow builder

The Outbound message could be create when you are creating a flow will start with this message.

  1. Select the You send it box.
  2. Click on Create initial message.
  3. Fill in all the required fields
  4. Click in Submit message for review. Review time could range from 3 minutes to 48 hours. Once it’s approved you can use it to start conversations with your customers.
  5. When the message has been approved. you will see a message stating Message approved by Meta.

Continue creating the flow by following the Create WhatsApp flow guide.

Once you reach the “Test Conversation” option in the flow, you have the opportunity to verify the message or select another approved outbound message. You can choose between sending a single message or a batch of messages, as explained in the previous step Send Outbound messages. .
