How to Acquire WhatsApp lines

To activate your WhatsApp line within Truora, you have two options:

  1. Activate a completely new line.
  2. Go through a migration process from your current Business Solution Provider to Truora.

Below, you will find guides for both processes.

1. Activate a New Phone Number

You will be able to complete this process independently starting from the Truora dashboard.

Acquire a number with a physical or virtual SIM card from your preferred provider or use one you already have. However, it is important that this number has never been linked to WhatsApp, either with a personal account or a business account. If the number was previously linked to WhatsApp, it may not be possible to create the WABA line, or you might need to go through a migration process. For a step-by-step guide on this process, please visit Activate your line for WhatsApp in Truora guide.

2. Migrate a Phone Number

Truora will assist you throughout the migration process. Please contact your sales representative or our support line.

WABA line migration is the process of transferring a phone number from one Business Solution Provider to another or from a business to a Business Solution Provider. For a step-by-step guide on this process, please visit Migrate your WhatsApp line to Truora guide.