Document Validation

When you are creating a Web Flow, you can select the Document ID box, from the Validator Blocks. This module allows you to verify the authenticity of the user’s identity document.



Depending on the level of user experience and security you want to implement in the validation process, you can configure the Document ID validator.

  • Enable gallery upload: You can allow the user to upload a document from their gallery.
  • Check Type: Every time you run a document validation our system runs a default Background check, which will only verify datasets related to identity and excludes criminal, legal, international or any other dataset types. If you wish customize the default behavior, use this field to conduct a Background Check with a Custom Type.
    • Note 1: You must have enabled the background check (BGC) product to use Custom Type. For each document validation request with a custom background check, you will be charged for it with the BGC price.
    • Note 2: If you create a Custom Type, you must add the dataset dataset_document_validation key with a value of zero.
    • *Remember: Whenever you conduct a document validation our system automatically initiates a default background check (no extra charge). Within the Document Validation in our dashboard, you can review this Background Check. First select the validation:
      Then you´ll see a link to the corresponding Check URL:
      Also, in the backend (Truora’s API), you can identify within the validation response that a check id has been created. Your response will look similar to the following:
      Response 200
      You can learn more about getting results in the Guide to Get Results.
  • Allowed retries: This setting determines the number of times a user can retry document validation, with a maximum value of 3 retries.
  • Allowed document types: You can select the document type and country, or ask the user to provide this information.
  • Additionally, you can configure other parameters to improve the behavior of the validators and the user experience. Please see Config Validator Guide for more information on customization.

  • Remember also you can customize your web flow. For more information please visit Customize Web Flow guide.

Integrating Your Flow

Once your flow has been completed and tested, you need to integrate it. For more information please visit How to create a Web Integration Token guide.

Get Results of Validation

  • You can get the validation results with a query to the truora’s API or from the dashboard. For more information, please see Guide to Get Results.

  • To get flow validation result automatically, you must subscribe webhooks. For more information, please see Webhooks guide.


  • Whenever a validation fails due to inconsistencies in the validation process, a decline reason is indicated. To know the possible decline reasons, please visit the Declined Reasons guide.
  • We recommend sending the photo horizontally. JPEG, JPG and PNG are the only supported formats and the max allowed size is 30MB. For more information on how to take a good picture of the document, please visit the Document Picture Tips guide.
  • For information about how to integrate this validator in WhatsApp, please visit How to Use WhatsApp to Validate Identity guide.